Coyote Con 2013: Join the Howl!

Coyote Con 2013: Join the Howl!

Are you like me and couldn't afford the trip to Brighton for World Fantasy this year? Well, come join me at Coyote Con! What is Coyote Con, you ask? It's a virtual convention for readers and writers of SFF, horror, and romance in all its flavors. What is a virtual convention? Well, first of all, it's FREE. :D

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December Will Be Magic Again - A holiday giveaway

Yet another fabulous giveaway is under way, this time over at the Here Be Magic blog. Head over to HBM for a chance to win three separate prizes: a Kindle Fire, a book basket of 26 ebooks from Carina fantasy and paranormal authors (including The Devil's Garden), and a $25 gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

December Will Be Magic Again: A Here Be Magic Holiday Giveaway, December 17-24

The giveaway is open until December 24, and  with the exception of the Kindle Fire, is open to international entries.

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Jane Kindred

Author of the Demons of Elysium and Looking Glass Gods series. Jane spent her formative years ruining her eyes reading romance novels in the Tucson sun and watching Star Trek marathons in the dark. She now writes to the sound of San Francisco foghorns while her cat slowly but surely edges her off the side of the bed.

Wherein I am maudlin, rambling, and insufferably sentimental

With such a preface, how can you resist? Read my first post on "Here Be Magic," the Carina Press fantasy authors' blog: Ring the Bell, Close the Book, Quench the Candle. Sure, it's a little long, but you people are readers, aren't you? So act like it, and suck it up! And then be grateful it will be another six weeks until you have to read one of those from me again. ;)

C'mon, I even bought an image for it. It's classy.