Belphagor, Uncovered

For those awaiting the release of the final book in The House of Arkhangel'sk trilogy, it's one step closer. I'm pleased to share with you the cover for The Armies of Heaven:

The Armies of Heaven by Jane Kindred

The Armies of Heaven by Jane Kindred

While the model doesn't entirely match my vision of Belphagor, I'm loving that chest tattoo, which is perfect. :)

The Armies of Heaven is available June 25.

Pre-order now from your favorite vendor:Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BOOKadda | The Book Depository | Chapters/Indigo

And don't forget to add it to your To Be Read pile on Goodreads!

Jane Kindred

Author of the Demons of Elysium and Looking Glass Gods series. Jane spent her formative years ruining her eyes reading romance novels in the Tucson sun and watching Star Trek marathons in the dark. She now writes to the sound of San Francisco foghorns while her cat slowly but surely edges her off the side of the bed.